Unity Candle Ceremony
Light up your marriage with a meaningful unity candle ceremony!
Symbolic and romantic, this recent wedding tradition can be a powerful visual representation of your union as two people in love.
Discover all the details you need to make it a beautiful and memorable part of your special day.
From choosing the perfect candle set to alternative unity ceremonies to consider, this guide has everything you need to make your unity candle ceremony the highlight of your wedding.
What is a Unity Candle Ceremony?
A unity candle ceremony is a symbolic wedding ritual involving two taper candles that are initially lit. The marrying couple then uses the taper candles to light a large pillar candle together, signifying the union of their lives and the love they share. It is often referred to as a “lighting of the unity candle” or a “unity candle lighting ceremony.”
The ritual of lighting the candle is both a physical and emotional act. It is a gesture of faith that their love will continue to grow and be strengthened throughout their lives.
Unity Candle Symbolism
The meaning behind a unity candle ceremony varies depending on the couple and their beliefs.
For some, it is a religious symbol of their commitment to God. While for others it is simply a romantic gesture that symbolizes their union.
If you just think the candles look pretty, I say go for it!
Some couples may also choose to recite a meaningful passage or poem during the ceremony, or even have their mothers light the candle to symbolize the joining of two families.
So what about the flame?
The flame of the candle can represent the passion each partner has for their spouse.
For Christians, it can be seen as a representation of the Holy Spirit and Jesus, the Light of the World, within the souls of those who have been baptized. It is a profound and meaningful way to express the love and commitment shared between two people.
While it has become increasingly popular in recent years, unity candles are a relatively recent invention and not explicitly part of the Churches Apostolic Tradition, so it’s possible that the ceremony could be prohibited in some churches.
- Couples should always check with their pastor before incorporating this ritual into their order of service.
Regardless of religious beliefs, it is a powerful gesture of love and faith in the strength of their relationship.
Photo by: Beloved Weddings
How to Perform the Ceremony
When it’s time to light the unity candle, the couple usually stands together and lights the candle with the taper candles.
Once the candle is lit, the couple can then blow out the taper candles to signify the joining of two lives. The couple can also choose to recite a few words or a poem at this point in the ceremony.
This is a tender moment that speaks of:
and the commitment of two individuals to each other.
It’s a powerful gesture that should be cherished and remembered for years to come.
What if it rains?
You like to have a “plan C”, don’t you?
You can prepare for rain or wind with a tent but you wouldn’t be the first ceremony to get rain on.
Incorporating Mothers into the Unity Candle Ceremony
This is the perfect opportunity to honor and include their mothers in the ceremony.
Couples can choose to have their mothers light the taper candles before they light the unity candle. The final touch is to have each mother each say something as they light the taper candles.
For example, the bride’s mother might say:
“May your love always remain strong and true”
While the groom’s mother might say:
“May you always have faith in each other’s love.”
Unique Ways to Personalize Your Unity Candle Ceremony
There are a few things you can do to make the ceremony special.
For example:
1) Have the taper candles be a different color than the unity candle
2) You can decorate the candle with colorful ribbons or other decorations that match your wedding theme.
3) Add personalized touches such as engraving the couple’s names or a meaningful quote on the unity candle.
4) Additionally, you can choose to recite a meaningful passage or poem during the ceremony, or even have their mothers light the candle to symbolize the joining of two families.
Choosing a Unity Candle Set
Most couples use a traditional white candle.
But if you’re looking to add a personal touch to your ceremony, you can go for candles in different colors or with unique designs.
Couples can choose two taper candles that represent each of them. The taper candles are often a different color than the unity candle, and can be decorated with unique ribbons or other decorations to signify the two individuals that are coming together.
Alternative Unity Ceremonies
If you’re looking for something a little different than the traditional candle lighting ceremony, there are a few alternatives you may want to consider.
Many couples go for a sand ceremony, where two different colors of sand are poured into a single vase, symbolizing the coming together of two individuals.
A wedding wine box ceremony is a very modern alternative. You can’t go wrong with wine, love letters, and a beautiful box.
Another alternative is the tree planting ceremony, where two saplings are planted to signify the growth of the couple’s love and life together.
No matter what type of unity ceremony you choose, it’s important to remember that its purpose is to symbolize the joining of two lives.